Social mission is one half of the dual mission of a microfinance institution. Aside from measuring the financial performance of an organization, it is as important to measure its social performance. This training aims to give participants a broad understanding of social performance in microfinance. The starting point for many MFIs has been their mission and commitment to providing access to the poor and helping them improve their social and economic conditions. But while the microfinance industry over the years has adopted a set of financial indicators with clear reporting standards and guidelines to determine the financial health of institutions, there exists no corresponding set of social performance indicators. Recently, the microfinance industry’s widespread interest in complementing financial assessments of MFIs with assessments of their social performance has blossomed into a number of different tools for this purpose. At the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to understand the different components of social performance management, as well as social performance indicators and how these indicators can be adopted to the context of the MFIs.