Author: Mariel Vincent Rapisura

  • Microinsurance Training for Microfinance Clients

    The poor are most vulnerable with external shocks and risks. The course on Microinsurance for microfinance clients will discuss how the poor can protect their families when confronted with unexpected events that create problems for them. Participants will discuss about what they already do in such situations and how they can do better. Examples of…

  • Marketing Microfinance Products and Services

    Marketing is the most neglected management function in the microfinance industry. Most MFIs do not brand their products properly and fail to communicate their competitive advantage effectively. This course emphasizes the need for effective marketing in enabling microfinance institutions to serve their clients better and achieve improved financial performance in the process. The course will…

  • Market Research for Expansion

    This course is designed for microfinance institutions who wish to expand their operations in other areas. Market research is a necessary step that all organizations must undertake to understand the environment in which they wish to operate. It examines the needs of current and potential clients, and the organization’s ability to deliver products and services…

  • Managing Human Resource for Microfinance Institutions

    Human resource is the backbone of microfinance institutions. Creating a leading microfinance institution takes more than charging the right price and knowing how to design financial products. What sets apart leading MFIs from the rest is their ability to manage human resource properly.  This course offers various tools on how to assess knowledge and skills…

  • Making Markets Work for the Poor: Beyond Business Development Services

    Business development services (BDS) is just one among the many interventions that development organizations to make markets work for the poor. The BDS terminology itself is evolving and is increasingly called business service markets, commercially viable solutions, and support markets. The course will focus on approaches that trace the activities from inputs to the delivery…

  • Legal Procedures for Microfinance

    The tremendous growth and the maturity of the Philippine microfinance industry experience is manifested in the establishment of legal procedures to protect the sustainability of microfinance institutions amidst issues of delinquency. In 2008, small claims court was established. The act governs the payment of money lent that does not exceed a principal amount of PhP100,000.…

  • Information Systems for Microfinance

    Effective information systems serve as the foundation for the operations of microfinance institutions, and financial institutions in general. The course offers decision makers specific points in evaluating their existing systems, determining current and future information system needs, and conducting cost benefit analysis when building, modifying or buying software. A framework on developing information system for…

  • Governance and Managing MFI Growth

    Governance plays a crucial role in microfinance since this is the key in setting the MFIs’ direction towards reaching their social mission and at the same time achieving financial sustainability. The course will enable participants to identify and delineate roles, duties and responsibilities of the board and management; and determine board involvement and their required…

  • Financial Management for Microfinance Institutions

    As a higher level course, the financial management course requires that participants understand financial analysis and are knowledgeable on financial performance industry standards. The course assists microfinance institutions in improving their financial performance through effective treasury management, asset-liability management and liquidity management. The course also includes sessions on projecting an organization’s future financial performance given…

  • Financial Mainstreaming of Microinsurance and Savings

    This course is designed to assist microfinance institutions in crafting and implementing microinsurance and savings programs. On microinsurance, the course presents the seven basic principles of insurance, and the challenges that microinsurance faces. The course differentiates the characteristics of informal and formal insurance, and the different microinsurance products available. The course also introduces frameworks for…