Category: Uncategorized

  • Delinquency Management in a Disaster Situation

    Delinquency is one of the major challenges that MFIs face. Delinquency Management enables participants to understand delinquency by tracing its causes and costs. Participants are also taught on how to measure delinquency using international standards. The course emphasizes both preventive and curative strategies against delinquency. It also presents research results of common delinquency problems and…

  • Delinquency Management for Wholesalers

    Delinquency is one of the major challenges that wholesalers face. The course enables participants to understand delinquency by tracing its causes and costs from various perspectives. Workshops will be conducted to teach wholesalers on how to measure delinquency using international standards and financial indicators. The course will discuss prescribed report formats integrated in the organization’s…

  • Customer Care

    Excellent customer care is essential to the rapidly changing landscape of the microfinance industry. Amidst the increasing number of microfinance players, providing clients with utmost care play a key role in the success of the organization. The course will start with understanding customer care and why there is a need to invest in it. The…

  • Conflict Management

    Conflict is natural and common phenomenon in social interaction. Every person and organization faces conflict. There are positive and negative outcomes of conflict. What makes conflict negative or positive is the way in which it is handled. The course introduces different theories of conflict and different perspectives used to understand and assess conflict. The training…

  • Color-coded Bookkeeping System

    Most microfinance institutions turn to automation to solve their bookkeeping system problems. However, most software providers do not have enough background in microfinance, therefore, software designs are not attuned to the needs of microfinance institutions. Off the shelf software, on the other hand, do not have the required flexibility to adapt to policy and changes…

  • Character and Capacity-Based Lending

    Most commercial financing institutions use asset-based or project-based lending since their target clients are those that have collateral and are able to craft business plans. However, microfinance clients neither have the assets nor the skills to qualify loans from traditional commercial funding sources. Thus, microfinance uses character and cash flow as the basis for extending…

  • Center Formation and Loan Application Form

    Outreach is important in achieving the dual mission of a microfinance institution, social mission and financial sustainability. Forming centers are crucial for microfinance institutions (MFIs) practicing group methodology. In addition, loan application form is crucial to assess the character of a potential microfinance client. The training on center formation and loan application form teaches microfinance…

  • Cash Flow and Credit and Background Investigation

    An important means to address delinquency is through proper client selection. Cash flow and credit and background investigation are techniques use to select clients properly. This course provides an in-depth discussion of two aspects of character and capacity-based lending: cash flow analysis and credit and background investigation (CI/BI). The provision of microloans relies on these…

  • Business Planning for Microenterprises

    The business planning for microenterprises course is designed to improve the management skills of microentrepreneurs. The course enables microenterprises to craft their own vision and mission; assess the external environment where they work; identify and evaluate opportunities; improve delivery of products and services; craft a personal financial plan; and learn techniques in marketing their products…

  • Business Development Services

    With the success of the provision of credit among the poor, the utilization of credit for adequate income and employment generation is a cause of concern for most of microfinance stakeholders. It has been observed that microenterprises need an enormous range of services, not just financial. This course is designed for microfinance institutions who are…