SEDPI Conducts Training to OFWs in Germany, Italy and Netherlands

A total of five training events on Financial Literacy for Remittance Senders were conducted in Europe from January 31 to February 8, 2009.

In partnership with Stichting-Habagat, SEDPI was able to conduct three training events in the Netherlands – The Hague, Limburg and Utrecht. In Rome, Italy, the Overseas Filipinos Society for the Promotion of Economic Security (OFSPES) and in Frankfurt, Germany, the Filipino Catholic Community (FCC) hosted the training events.

The training aims to actively engage Overseas Filipinos to acquire and commit to the discipline of personal financial management to erduce their vulnerabilities. It also aims to encourage the productive use of remittances through socially responsible investments.

A total of 79 participants attended the training. One participant said, “the trainers provided practical examples that will help us improve our financial standing and in the long run, achieve our financial goals.” Some of the participants also invested a total of PhP1.5 million (USD30,000) to SEDPI Capital Credit, Inc. The investment will be extended as a loan to Microfinance Institutions in the Philippines – a true act of leveraging remittances for development through microfinance

Ateneo-BPI Holds Training in Vigan, Ilocos Sur

A total of 15 participants coming from several microfinance institutions in Northern Luzon attended the “Fundamentals and Methodologies of Microfinance” training held at the Nueva Segovia Cosortium of Cooperatives in Vigan, Ilocos Sur on January 28-30. The training is the first offering for 2008 of the Ateneo-BPI Partnership to provide capacity building services to microfinance stakeholders.

The participants gave the training resource persons a rating of 4.75 out of a highest possible score of 5.00. A participant from the Santo Domingo Development Cooperative said that “the topics were all delivered very well and the training is really of great help to our organization.”
In 2006, the Bank of the Philippine Islands and the Ateneo de Manila University started a pioneering partnership to build the capacity of microfinance institutions. The partnership aims to upgrade the technical capacity of microfinance institutions to enable them to absorb greater amount of funds used to reach out to a greater number of poor people; and provide immediately applicable tools to microfinance institutions for better implementation and operational policies. The partnership has two components. These are the conduct of regional trainings in pre-selected key cities within the Philippines; and facilitate the access of microfinance institutions to BPI’s capacity building loan.

Since the inception of the partnership, the trainings held in key cities of the Philippines were able to reach out to 88 microfinance institutions attended by 217 participants. An average of 20 participants attended the trainings.

SEDPI Conducts Microfinance Immersion for Nigerian Government Agencies

To usher the new year, SEDPI conducted a five-day study tour entitled “Microfinance Immersion: A Study Tour of the Philippine Microfinance Industry” for Nigerian government agencies. The government agencies come from the Central Bank of Nigeria, Nigerian Deposit and Insurance Corporation, Ministry of Finance, and the National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises.

The participants visited five organizations that represent the various players in the Philippine microfinance industry – Bank of the Philippine Islands, Inner City Development Cooperative, People’s Crdit and Finance Corporation, Peace and Equity Foundation, and Siargao Bank.
The participants visited the headquarters of the Bank of the Philippine Islands where they were greeted by Mr. Josais dela Cruz, Vice-President for BPI’s microfinance unit. Mr. dela Cruz presented to the participants how BPI started its wholesale loan and capacity building loan for microfinance institution. He also presented different guarantee schemes that BPI has used in partnership with other foreign banks to secure the wholesale loans for microfinance. After visiting BPI, the participants visited Inner City Development Cooperative to learn more about how microfinance provides the grassroots access to financial services. They went on field to interview the management staff of the cooperative as well as interact with microfinance clients.

The associate director of the Peace and Equity Foundation, Mr. Ric Torres, presented to the Nigerians the various strategies and projects that the foundation used to reduce poverty using microfinance as one of the components. The President of the People’s Credit and Finance Corporation also interacted with the participants with the end view of sharing how the Nigerian government could set up a fund for microfinance institutions by sharing the Philippine experience. Ms. Lucille Sering, Vice-President of Siargao Bank, also shared her successes and challenges in running a microfinance program in the rural area.

Overall, the participants were pleased with the study tour and remarked that they have seen a lot of strategies that they could emulate back in Nigeria.

CORDAID Guarantee to OFW Investments

The Sustainable Investment Fund is an alternative investment option to Overseas Filipinos – workers, migrants and immigrants. Because it will be used to extend loans to microfinance institutions and social enterprises (SEs), this fund does not only give positive economic returns; it is socially responsible as well.

When Overseas Filipinos invest a minimum of PhP50,000.00 for at least six months in the Sustainable Investment Fund, they are then referred to as social investors. The greater the amount and the longer the investment term, the more social investors grow their money and help MFIs and SEs.

SCCI will execute a loan agreement and a Deed of Assignment of Receivables in favor of the social investor. Postdated check/s shall be issued to the social investor covering the principal and interest due. In the event that a social investor terminates an investment before the maturity date, the interest rate will automatically revert to 3% per annum. A 30-day notice is required to pre-terminate an investment.

Through SCCI’s partnership with Cordaid, each OFW investor may have his/her investments guaranteed by paying a fee of 1.5% of their invested amount per annum. This percentage will be deducted from the interest rate detailed in the table above. The maximum coverage is PhP250,000 worth of investments.

How to Turn Around a Struggling MFI: The ARDCI Story

In December 2006, ARDCI’s financial performance was so dire, it was at the brink of collapse. In the same year, it has realized its fourth consecutive year of net losses. The morale of the staff is low and everyone was watching ARDCI that was once the envy of a lot of MFIs in the Philippines.

The Agricultural and Rural Development for Catanduanes, Inc. operates microfinance in four prvinces in Bicol, one of the poorest regions in the Philippines. In 2007, it forged partnership with SEDPI to turn around its ailing performance. SEDPI provided Technical and Mentoring Assistance to ARDCI in January 2007.

After braving inevitable change in the organization, ARDCI is now enjoying the fruits of its labor. The table below shows the drastic improvement in its performance.

Financial Performance Dec 2006 Dec 2007 Nov 2008 Standard
Portfolio at Risk 27% 4% 2% <5%
Adequacy of Loan Loss Prov. 41% 100% 100% 100%
Administrative Efficiency 38% 43% 41% <20%
Operational Efficiency 47% 47% 45% <30%
Operational Self Sufficiency 98% 101% 123% >120%
Loan Officer Productivity 280 204 276 >300
Financial Self Sufficiency 92% 96% 111% >100%
Return on Assets -1% 0% 7% > Inf
Return on Equity -1% 1% 16% >T-Bill
PESO Rating 46 53 86 85

Overall, the organization has experienced outstanding improvement in operations as evidenced by a number of milestones. These milestones are: (1) drastic improvement of the portfolio at risk ratio while maintaining the original value of loans outstanding; (2) increase in collection efficiency as shown in the increase in revenues; (3) decrease in operating expenses mainly due to the decrease in personnel costs in spite of introducing staff incentive schemes; and finally (4) breaking the trend of four consecutive years of net losses.

These improvements have not gone unnoticed. Donors and funders who deserted ARDCI in its turbulent times and ceased release of funds have now returned to support ARDCI’s financial needs. More importantly, other organizations are starting to look up to ARDCI as a model in transforming and improving microfinance operations.

All these were made possible due to the dedication and efforts made by management under the leadership of Mr. Danilo Tiburcio and his able support and operations team led by Ms. Alma Villanueva and Ms. Belen Teves. Without them, the achievements of ARDCI would have not been possible. Mr. Tiburcio’s management team led ARDCI in (1) installing information system that provides accurate and timely information crucial to decision making; (2) improved financial products; (3) rallied the staff to perform better; (4) arrested delinquency and installed policies, systems and procedures to prevent the recurrence of delinquency; (5) improved communication channels within the organization among others; and (6) tightened internal controls and internal audit.

SEDPI Conducts 94 Training Events in 2008

In 2008, SEDPI’s delivery of trainings increased by 27% from 74 training events in 2007 to 94. The increase in training events was due to the continued patronage of the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation to conduct training to their management staff in Africa. At the same time, the Ateneo-BPI Microfinance Capacity Building Partnership as well as the People’s Credit and Finance Corporation also were main stays as partners to reach out to more microfinance stakeholders.

As a result, SEDPI was able to increase its number of development organizations reached from 502 in 2007 to 985. Rural banks overtook the number of microfinance institutions reached that was dominated by NGOs in 2007. Cumulatively, SEDPI is able to reach out to 400 rural banks, 275 NGOs, 76 cooperatives and 234 other development organizations. The number of international organizations reached likewise increased.

SEDPI still maintained its positioning of reaching out to small and medium microfinance institutions (those with less than 400 million in portfolio) which comprose 88% of the total outreach.

Coupling the increase in outreach is the improvement in the evaluation of participants of the trainings conducted. SEDPI uses a scale of 1 to 5 in its evaluation where 1 is the poorest performance and 5 as excellent performance. For 2008, rating on SEDPI trainers improved from 4.60 to 4.65 and rating on training topics improved from 4.39 to 4.59.

SEDPI continues to draw inspiration from this achievements and will strive to reach out to more microfinance stakeholders and continually improve the delivery of its services.

Ateneo Confers Diploma in Microfinance for the First Time

Two years after having launched the Ateneo Diploma Course in Microfinance, 35 graduates were conferred the Diplon in Microfinance in December 2008. Most of the graduates are Nigerians and only 5 Filipinos were able to complete the Diploma.

The graduates we able to pass written exams and successfully completed projects to showcase their learnings in the Ateneo trainings.

It is expected that for 2009, more will be conferred with the Diploma in Microfinance. The first batch of graduates is a manifestation of Ateneo’s commitment in supporting the microfinance industry.

SCCI Inks Cooperation with Cordaid on Remittances

In 2008, Cordaid and SCCI inked an agreement to create models on how remittances could be leveraged for development through microfinance. The cooperation consists of a guarantee mechanism from Cordaid for OFW investments to SCCI and conduct of financial literacy trainings to both remittance senders and receivers.

Cordaid is one of the world’s biigest international development organizations with a network of almost a thousand partner organizations in 36 countries in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America. It has more than 90 years of experience in emergency aid and structural poverty eradication. The counterpart bodies work on various themes, including healthcare, quality of urban life, access to markets, and peace and conflict.


Peace and Equity Foundation

PEF is a non-stock, non-profit organization that provides financial support to projects that respond to the problems of poverty and marginalization. The Foundation envisions empowered communities that: have basic needs of life; are engaged in sociocultural and economic activities; and participate meaningfully in local governance. PEF addresses the needs of the urban and rural poor by providing civil society organizations that help them with development financing and technical assistance, and promoting appropriate technology and networking with all relevant stakeholders.

Through PEF’s support, SEDPI implemented a Training and Mentoring Assistance to four organizations in Southern Luzon. Also, a subsector research to identify the appropriate interventions needed to support coastal-based microenterprise was also implemented through SEDPI in Iloilo, Bohol, and Eastern Samar. SEDPI social entrepreneurs were instrumental in crafting project proposals to CORDAID and UNDP. PEF eventually won the bids and ended up with USD1 million from CORDAID to fund microfinance institutions in Mindanao and PhP20 million from the United Nations Development Programme to fund communities that adopt renewable energy. PEF also commissioned the services of SEDPI to conduct impact assessment to clients of three microfinance institutions that they have supported all over the Philippines.

Linking Up with CORDAID

SEDPI and SCCI have signed cooperation agreements with Cordaid, one of the largest NGOs in the Netherlands. The SEDPI-Cordaid partnership has four components:

l The Capacity Building for Small and Emerging Microfinance Institutions seeks to improve the financial performance and organizational sustainability of small and emerging MFIs. Participating MFIs will be given the tools and techniques to improve their financial products, streamline service delivery, and reach out to more poor households. Under this component, eight MFIs are undergoing TAMA all over the Philippines. A 0% capacity building loan may be extended to the MFIs so they can cope with the expenses incurred for TAMA.

l The Wholesale Loan to Microfinance Institutions complements the first component. Through SCCI, small and emerging MFIs can access loans that would otherwise be unavailable to them. By establishing their loan track record, MFIs can eventually borrow from commercial sources.

l The Financial Literacy Program for Remittance Senders and Receivers aims to inculcate in these groups the discipline and commitment of personal financial management. The program also encourages the productive use of remittances through socially responsible investments and intends to break the cycle of dependency on remittances. The training provides concrete guidelines and practical tools to make informed decisions on investments, business establishment, and financial planning. To date, some 1,000 overseas Filipinos have attended the training programs held in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Singapore, and United Arab Emirates.

l The Guarantee Fund to Migrant Investments seeks to boost migrants’ participation in socially responsible investments. Migrants may invest in SCCI’s Sustainable Investment Fund, which carries a higher rate of return than commercial banks. Cordaid has placed a guarantee to migrant investments placed with SCCI through an escrow agreement with Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company. The guarantee aims to protect migrant investments in SCCI up to PhP250,000. The SCCI pioneer investors are members of the United Migrants Development Workers and Stichting-Habagat based in the Netherlands.

Cordaid is one of the world’s biggest international development organizations with a network of almost a thousand partner organizations in 36 countries in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and Latin America. It has more than 90 years of experience and expertise in emergency aid and structural poverty eradication. The counterpart bodies work on various themes, including healthcare, quality of urban life, access to markets, and peace and conflict.