Category: Financial Literacy
SEDPI Conducts Financial Literacy Training to Palaweños
SEDPI trained a total of 696 residents of San Vicente, Palawan on Financial Literacy (FL), December 12-15, 2013. The training is part of SEDPI’s partnership with the Climate Change Commission (CCC) in a project to create eco-towns or ecologically sustainable and economically stable communities. Those who benefitted from this project were mainly entrepreneurial mothers and…
Financial Literacy at the Sisters of Mary Schools
SEDPI conducted its financial literacy training program for the graduating class of the Sisters of Mary Schools last June 13, 2013 at their campus in Silang, Cavite. The morning session was attended by 449 boys from the Sisters of Mary—Boystown, and about 690 girls from Girlstown joined in the afternoon. SEDPI President and CEO Mr.…
SEDPI Participates in the Global Forum on Remittances 2013
The World Bank and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) jointly organized the Global Forum on Remittances (GFR) 2013. The forum was held from May 20 to 23, 2013 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok, Thailand. Over 400 delegates from the private sector, civil society, and policymakers from all over the globe…
Financial Literacy for OFWs in HongKong
Last March 9 and 10, 2013, SEDPI provided financial literacy trainings to 68 Overseas Filipinos in Hongkong. The sessions were given in partnership with OFSPES, Ateneo School of Government and Wimler Foundation as part of the Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship (LSE) Program. The 2-day event was held in Fenwick Pier, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. The…
SEDPI, CCC Start Eco-Town Project in Palawan
San Vicente is a municipality in Palawan noted for its long beach front and dense forest covers. While it is classified as a first-class municipality, it remains vulnerable, environmentally and economically, to the devastating effects of climate change. The Climate Change Commission (CCC), through the National Climate Change Action Plan (NCAP), aims to build the…
SEDPI Taps Microfinace Institution for Palawan Eco-Town Project
SEDPI, as partner in Climate Change Commission’s (CCC) eco-town project, facilitated a meeting between the Local Government of San Vicente, Palawan and the Dungganon Bank, on January 17, 2013. This meeting aimed to explore the possibility of making Dungganon the financial service provider for the eco-town project. The CCC project hopes to create economically stable…