Strengthening farmer organizations Mindanao to alleviate poverty and accelerate peace process

Mindanao is considered one of the wealthiest islands in the Philippines in terms of natural resources. It boasts plenty of natural resources, producing 40% of the country’s food needs (OECD, 2013). Further, one-third of the island’s land area is considered agricultural (Francisco, 2017).

Despite these considerable assets, the island has continuously been a place of armed conflicts and security threats. Some of its regions also consistently rank among the poorest in the country. Regions IX, X, XII, and the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) registered above 39% poverty incidence in 2015 (Gavilan, 2017).

The situation in Mindanao challenges all sectors of Philippine society to act and think of solutions to solve poverty and the issue of peace and security. The government and civil society must work hand in hand in implementing programs for the people of Mindanao.

Solving poverty and accelerating the peace process

SEDPI recognizes this challenge and made efforts to look for potential partnerships that aim to address poverty as well as to contribute to the acceleration of the peace process in Mindanao. Through its partnership with the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and funding from the Government of Italy, SEDPI is implementing various components of the Italian Assistance to Agrarian Reform Areas Development Support Program (IARCDSP).

As contribution to the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals or the global goals, the project serves as a tool to solve poverty and hasten the peace process in Mindanao. In particular, the project aims to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of about 53,000 households in 35 identified Agrarian Reform Areas (ARCs) in 26 municipalities located in the provinces of Sarangani, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao and Lanao del Sur.

To fulfill this contribution, SEDPI, and its partners employ the strategy of integrated area development approach wherein ARCs feature the combination of necessary infrastructure, organization or institutional, agricultural, and enterprise development support to produce incremental growth in productivity and income among farmers.

This high-level strategy is broken down into interrelated and comprehensive components, all contributing to the attainment of the overall objective.

SEDPI aims to deliver six project components to identified Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations’ or Farmers’ Organizations (ARBOs/FOs) as part of the project:

  • improved assessment system;
  • increased capability to prepare and submit feasible and sustainable business plans in the field of micro-finance services;
  • strengthened capacity to be endowed with revolving funds and or social micro-finance instruments;
  • increased business knowledge to effectively manage their own business development;
  • increased chances for endowment of existing and newly created revolving funds and social micro-finance instruments; and,
  • improved capability to implement innovative products

Three out of these six components have already been achieved by SEDPI.

Improving agricultural assessment systems

In improving assessment systems of various ARBOs/FOs, SEDPI conducted various consultation meetings. From February 15 to March 15, 2019, initial consultation meetings were conducted to gather all the shortlisted ARBOs and inform them of the project, including their potential role and participation.

After these series of meetings, SEDPI returned to selected ARBOs/FOs to assess their fit and alignment with the project. SEDPI developed an organizational appraisal tool for its assessment. The tool is a principle-based management assessment of the readiness of ARBOs/FOs to implement micro-enterprises effectively integrated into value chains and sustainable micro-finance operations.

The principles ensure pro-poor market development. The principles are high impact, cost-effective, market-driven, sustainable, and specific and focused interventions. Within a month, 71 ARBOs were appraised in 35 identified ARCs.

Based on the appraisal, the ARBOs involved in the project commonly have equipment and facilities rental as the primary service to their members. The machinery, equipment, and infrastructure rented out were mostly donated to them by government agencies. Findings also include weak market development among the operations of the ARBOs and a lack of human resource capacity to support engagement in the project.

Further, only 15 ARBOs have current microfinance operations with the most extensive operation, not even at PhP1 million in loan portfolio. Through several consultations with DAR and representatives from the Italian government, SEDPI was able to finalize the model of assessment and self-assessment tool for the ARBOs/FOs.

The tool establishes the baseline performance of the ARBOs/FOS through two rating indicators – micro-enterprise development rating and micro-finance operations rating. These indicators are developed revolving around micro-enterprise development and micro-finance principles against fundamental management areas and management functions.

Increasing farmers’ capability through business plan preparation

After the thorough appraisal and analysis of the chosen ARBOs/FOs, SEDPI endorsed the 35 ARBOs from the four provinces of Sultan Kudarat to take part in the DAR IARCDSP as lead ARBOs. Additionally, 7 ARBOs/FOs that exhibited high potential to adopt micro-finance due to their sophistication in microenterprise implementation were endorsed to take part in the capacity building interventions without extra cost to the project.

Following the endorsement and eventual selection of ARBOs, SEDPI proceeded with rounds of business proposal consultations which aim to collect and validate all vital information on feasible business ventures of the ARBOs/FOs from March 30, 2019. The consultations drew out the agricultural problems experienced by the community, proposed solution, its details, and impact. The group identified agriculture-related problems that farmers experienced, their causes and effects.

Some of top problems identified were:

  • lack of access to financing;
  • expensive cost of inputs;
  • low selling price of produce;
  • absence of transportation to bring goods to higher value markets;
  • lack of farm machineries to be used for land preparation; and,
  • pests and natural disasters or calamities.

Customized trainings to directly address capacity building needs of ARBOs

These challenges and all the data collected and validated became the foundation of SEDPI in designing training modules that will equip ARBOs/FOs with skills in writing and preparing their business plans to be submitted for the evaluation of Italian Technical Assistance (ITA).

Modules were anchored on adult learning methods combined with lectures and workshops to gather information based on the business plan format provided by Etimos, SEDPI’s counterpart civil society organisation in Italy. The training also served as a venue to provide field-based assistance to the ARBO for the preparation of the business plan. The trainings were implemented from June and November of 2019.

SEDPI covered the foundations of business plan preparation by including sessions on external analysis, market analysis, business model for micro-enterprise, and marketing. A total of 35 business plan preparation training sessions were conducted.

The training sessions intended not just to effectively educate ARBOs/FOs through lectures but also through actual writing workshops. By the end of the training, ARBOs/FOs were able to draft initial business plan proposals for SEDPI’s, DAR’s, and Etimos’ review. There were 107 business proposals crafted from 42 ARBOs/FOs in 35 ARCs.

The proposals submitted may be sorted into three (3) categories: (1) Input Supply; (2) Market Consolidation; and, (3) Equipment Rental. Close to majority of the business proposals involve agri-input supply store. The next most common category is  the provision of rental farming equipment, while 22% of the proposals submitted involve market consolidation, such as provision of packaging materials and consolidation of agricultural products.

Upon review and consultation with DAR Microfinance Project Implementation Team (PIT), four major investments were approved across all of the ARBOs/FOs. These are agri-inputs, small hauling truck, small farm machineries, and office equipment support. PIT issued budgetary allocation on these four investments with the notice to proceed for the preparation of business plans.

Right after the business plan preparation training, the field-base assistance on business plan preparation was also conducted. Field-base assistance was extended to 35 lead ARBOs that covers the entire ARC. It serves as an in-depth review and training of members of the ARBOs/FOs in the ARC. A total of 492 participants attended the training sessions and field-base assistance from the 35 ARCs.

After the training and field-base assistance, SEDPI team met with various project stakeholders to present initial business proposals and to finalize the content of the business plans. The team met with Etimos, and DAR multiple times via face to face and online meetings in August and September 2019.

The series of meetings and consultations provided better outline and strategies on how to continue with the business plan preparations. SEDPI went back again to the 35 ARCs for validation, revision, and finalization of initially submitted business plan proposals. The validation meetings were simultaneously held across Sarangani, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, and Lanao del Sur provinces.

Strengthening farmers’ capacity for revolving funds and microfinance

As part of the initial findings of SEDPI, one vital component for ARBOs/FOs’ sustainability is skills transfer and capacity building on handling and managing revolving funds and social finance instruments. After the consultative and iterative process of preparing the business plans, a series of activities were held to raise awareness at all levels inside ARBOs/FOs on the importance of implementing a sustainable, self-replicating, and monitored microcredit and microfinance system.

SEDPI employed two approaches to meet this objective: plenary workshops and a more intimate mentor-learner session called Technical and Mentoring Assistance (TAMA). TAMA is delivered on a mentor-learner approach as SEDPI social entrepreneurs closely supervise and monitor an institution’s progress towards sustainability. TAMA, which is also a Filipino word for, correct, aptly means setting things right.

The first two training workshops were conducted in October 2019. These workshops aim to stimulate an awareness raising campaign on the utility of microcredit self-managed schemes for ARBOs/FOs. The first workshop outlined the Fundamentals and Principles of Microfinance, which was simultaneously conducted in Cotabato City and General Santos City on October 23 to 24, 2019. The second workshop was on Character and Capacity-Based Lending, conducted simultaneously on October 24 to 25, 2019 in Cotabato City and General Santos City.

After these workshops, the first TAMA was conducted from November 4 to 14, 2019. A total of 390 participants were involved in the first TAMA. SEDPI teams visited the different ARBOs to check on the agreements and assignments set on the first two workshops. Three more TAMA sessions are scheduled for 2020.

The first TAMA talked about strengthening internal capacities of the ARBOs/FOs. They were also invited to attend the succeeding workshops. The third workshop was Financial Product Design and Development conducted on December 10 to 11, 2019 in General Santos City while the fourth workshop talked about Delinquency Management conducted on December 11 to 12, 2019 in General Santos City.

On average, the training sessions were rated excellently by the participants. The average rating of the training sessions is 4.72 out of 5. The logistical arrangements, such as food, session venue, and powerpoint presentations, were also rated excellently with 4.64 rating. Finally, the resource persons were rated 4.77 out of 5. The overall evaluation for the field-base assistance for business plan preparation is excellent at 4.71 as well.

Collaborating for sustainability

SEDPI continues to prepare and implement various components of the project. For 2020, SEDPI and its partners plan to build a collaborative environment for ARBOs/FOs to effectively implement, manage, and sustain their business plans. The activities set include the implementation of three more TAMA sessions; conduct of various training sessions on specific business and financial management including loan delivery management and monitoring & evaluation technics; and, implementation of the multiple sessions to scale-up and develop innovative Microfinance products.

SEDPI is confident that by 2020, ARBOs/FOs can make a more lasting impact in their respective communities. The activities are designed not only to develop new skills or capacity of farmers’ organizations but more so to highlight the potential role of farmers as changemakers and as active contributors to the national economy.

These activities are seeds that are planted to solve poverty in Mindanao better and to provide alternative platforms against armed conflict. Through the fruitful partnerships of SEDPI, DAR, the Italian Government, and Etimos and with the commitment of all ARBOs in the various ARC, a new Mindanao will emerge.

LENDING A HAND, BUILDING CAPACITIES: SEDPI conducts trainings on product design and delinquency management with ARBOs


“We must all be solution-oriented,” said Florence Adviento, one of the trainers from SEDPI, at the beginning of the discussions.

With the statement above as tone-setter, the Social Enterprises Development Partnerships Inc. (SEDPI) successfully conducted a 3-day series of trainings with 38 Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations (ARBOs) coming from provinces of Sarangani, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, and Lanao Del Sur.

The trainings were made possible with the support of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) through the Italian Assistance to Agrarian Reform Communities Development Support Program (IARCDSP), last December 10-12 at the East Asia Royal Hotel, General Santos City.

The trainings consisted of lectures and discussions on four major topics, namely: delinquency management; and financial product design and development. Various workshops and activities were done to fully engage the participants so as to impart valuable knowledge and develop necessary skills in them.

The trainings seek to equip ARBOs with necessary knowledge and skills in providing microfinance services to their members and other farmers in their respective agrarian reform communities (ARC).

“Ultimately, the trainings aim to aid in the implementation of the program and the achievement of its overall objective which is to contribute to the improvement of the farmers’ living conditions,” said SEDPI president Vincent Rapisura. He reiterated the objective in the discussion on the project components and project flow of the DAR-IARCDSP. This served as the gateway to succeeding more specific and more targeted discussions.

Product Design and Development

“What’s good about these products and services is that it benefits not only ARBO members but even non-members. The whole community will enjoy the benefits,” said an ARBO official in Bisaya.

The first day of the trainings focused mainly on financial product design and development. Particularly, it helped the participants craft their product brand as well as develop specifications and features for their microfinance products such as insurance, savings, and loan. The discussions had been very interactive as participants raised their questions and clarifications, to which the lead discussants generously answered and responded.

Vincent Rapisura discussed one of the highlights of the first day of training — SEDPI’s Social Welfare Protection Program (SWePP). SWePP is a consolidated microinsurance and social security program that combines public, private, and non-profit strategies to provide optimum social protection benefit to its members.

The program provides social insurance protection up to PhP80,000.00 per client, as well as calamity and fire assistance through partnerships with various institutions including Social Security System (SSS) and Pag-IBIG Fund.

Delinquency Management

“The  importance of repayments is explained really well in the discussion. We’ve learned that best incentive that the members could get from his or her repayment is being able to loan again. It is important to maintain good standing in the organization,” an ARBO official said.

The second day of trainings gave much weight to delinquency management discussions. Specific topics included the borrowers and microfinance institution’s perspective on delinquency; financial shields of delinquency; measuring delinquency; governance: roles of board and management; and remedial management and growth strategies.

The discussions brought about a fruitful and insightful exchange between the lead trainers and the participants. Highlights include importance of savings as financial shield to delinquency; workshops on the portfolio at risk ratio and past due rate; and discussion on governance and the defined roles of the management.

The third and last day of trainings was dedicated to discuss the measures of financial analysis and most importantly, the action plans. The trainings concluded with the participants as well as all the institutions present united in having high hopes for the program and the positive impact it will have on the lives of the stakeholders, most importantly on the farmers sector.

Training evaluation 

SEDPI prides itself in delivering excellent and innovative capacity buildings services. Both trainings delivered to the ARBOs were rated as excellent in all aspects – trainer, topics, logistics, food and lodging.

Follow up

After the training, technical and mentoring assistance will follow to make sure that ARBOs are able to implement lessons learned during the training. A team of SEDPI staff will coach and visit each ARBO to check on assignments and agreements made during the training.

Through this method, financial service delivery of the ARBO to its members and the ARC as a whole will improve that will hopefully lead to the improvement of the quality of life of farming households in the four provinces.

Vince Rapisura is SAFER Foundation’s first brand ambassador

Quezon City –Financial Wealth Expert and Host of Usapang Pera Vince Rapisura signed a contract with SAFER Foundation last February 19, 2019 to become its first official brand ambassador. Also present during the event are SAFER Board member Benedict Balderama (Executive Director, PHILSSA), Executive Committee Members Roselle Rasay (Executive Director, CODE-NGO) and Kevin Lee (Convenor, HRC).

As a DRRM and development practitioner, Vince expressed his support to SAFER and how it targets to help vulnerable communities affected by disasters. He aims to educate the general public in becoming responsible donors and active agents of change in times of crisis.

SAFER Foundation is the first local joint humanitarian initiative in the Philippines. SAFER was founded by the Philippines’ largest NGO networks to raise money for the isolated and most vulnerable communities that are affected during disasters and emergency situations which are NASSA/Caritas Philippines, the HRC and CODE-NGO.

Vince Rapisura established Social Enterprise Development Partnerships, Inc. (SEDPI), a social enterprise that provides financial literacy trainings to low-income OFWs in 15 countries worldwide. He is also a microfinance and social entrepreneurship professor at the Ateneo de Manila University for the past 15 years.

SEDPI conducts training on Cooperative Standards for Small Business Corporation

Small Business Corporation (SBC) commissioned Social Enterprise Development Partnerships, Inc. (SEDPI) to conduct training on Cooperative Standards for its management staff from Northern Luzon on December 11, 2018 in Baguio City.

SEDPI Senior Program Officers, Ms. Florence Adviento and Ms. Francesca Gacer-Magallon, facilitated the one-day training for thirty (30) participants.

The training discussed the different types and categories of cooperatives, standard chart of accounts for cooperatives, and performance standards, specifically COOP-PESOS. This aimed to build the capacity of SBC participants to be able to understand the different cooperative standards advocated by the Cooperative Development Authority.

SBC is a government financial institution with the primary responsibility of implementing comprehensive policies and program to assist micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

SBC has created several programs geared towards providing financial access, financial management, and capacity building to MSMEs. These programs include wholesale lending to smaller financial institutions, cooperatives, and foundations; retail or direct lending to MSMEs; guarantee programs for larger banks to cover MSME loans without collateral; and financial management, and capacity building for rural banks, and MSME clients.

With the training on Cooperative Standards, SEDPI, the premier capacity builder in the fields of social entrepreneurship, microfinance, and financial literacy, hoped to bring its experience in microfinance operational audit to help SBC achieve its ultimate goal of providing quality financial products and services.

The training garnered very good evaluation from participants for the topics (4.27 out of 5); and delivery (4.36), knowledge and skills (4.34), and over-all skills of resource persons (4.34).

If interested in a customized training on microfinance for your organization, email Ms. Dimples Sacdalan-Pateño at

DAR Awards SEDPI Project on Poverty Alleviation and Peace Process in Minadanao

On December 28, 2018, the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) awarded a multi-million project to SEDPI to implement a component of the Italian Assistance to Agrarian Reform Communities (ARC) Development Support Program (IARCDSP).

DAR implements the IARCDSP as one of its foreign-assisted projects which is funded under the loan agreement executed with the Government of Italy. The project aims to address poverty as well as to contribute to the acceleration of the peace process in Mindanao in support to the development objectives of the Millennium Development Goals, particularly the goal for the alleviation of poverty.

SEDPI will work on the component on Agricultural and Enterprise Development Support (AEDS) of the project. This component is comprised of activities to pursue livelihood development through the enhancement of agricultural productivity and development of agriculture-based enterprises. A Microfinance sub-component is included in the AEDS component.

SEDPI will be addressing the microfinance value-chain providing technical support and links between the different stakeholders involved in IARCDSP microfinance component. The project areas include 35 ARCs in four (4) provinces of Regions XII and Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). The provinces are Sarangani and Sultan Kudarat in Region XII, and the provinces of Maguindanao and Lanao del Sur in ARMM.

More than 150 Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Organizations (ARBOs) or Farmers’ Organization (FO) will be assessed to come up with at least 35 ARBOs/FOs to be assisted as microfinance organizations capable in managing a sound revolving fund/social finance system inclusive of a wide number of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs).

SEDPI Clinches WOCCU Project on Financial Inclusion

On January 7, 2019, the Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions awarded SEDPI a contract to conduct a demand-side research with credit union members of select credit unions (CUs) or credit cooperatives in the Philippines.

The Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions, the social impact affiliate of the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU), partnered with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to design open-loop, low-cost, real time payment platforms for its global network of credit unions (CUs). The goal of the project is to reach and serve the existing 248 million CU members and to extend the CUs’ reach to unbanked populations worldwide.

The Filipino implementation partners are national associations which are WOCCU global members. These are the National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO) and the Philippines Federation of Credit Cooperative (PFCCO).

The demand-side research will be conducted through at least 30 focus group discussions (FGDs) with credit union members to understand their needs and preferences with respect to digital payments. The FGDs would be conducted in partnership with at least 13 credit cooperatives all over the country.

The results of the demand research would provide valuable input to the project and promote financial inclusion in the country and to the unbanked populations around the world.

Innovations and Trends in Inclusive Finance 2018

SEDPI, in partnership with Ateneo de Manila Microfinance Capacity Building Program, is mounting a two-day training event entitled “Innovations and Trends in Inclusive Finance”. The course will present recent trends on financial product design and delivery; innovations in operational policies; institutional policies of successful microfinance institutions; and lessons learned on how to cope with disasters and mitigate climate change.

The training aims to provide capacity building training to policy makers and implementors of credit programs in improving the delivery of pro-poor financial services towards financial inclusion of marginalized sectors.

To register, please fill-out the form below.

Farmers train on microfinance


Farmers belonging to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations (ARBOs) in Batangas were recently trained on microfinance to improve their organizations’ social and financial performance.

The training entitled Fundamentals and Methodologies of Microfinance and Character and Capacity-Based Lending, was conducted by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in partnership with the Social Enterprise Development Partnerships Incorporated (SEDPI).

DAR Provincial Agrarian Reform Program Officer Merle H. Manalo said objective of the training is “to enhance the capacity of our ARBOs in managing their microfinance services.”

She said the knowledge that the ARBOs acquired from the training should translate into a more effective and efficient microfinance services to its members, increased outreach of members served, and better incomes for the ARBOs and the member-borrowers.

“As a follow-through or post-training activity, the ARBOs will be assisted by the DARPO in improving their existing processes, systems and procedures utilizing the methodologies and tools imparted by SEDPI,” Manalo said.

During the training, SEDPI provided a compressed version of its Technical and Monitoring Assistance (TAMA), which closely supervised and monitored DAR assisted ARBOs progress towards financial and organizational regional 1 pix 2 july 28 2016.


SEDPI Chief Operations Officer Emilenn Kate Sacdalan said “TAMA seeks to deliver capacity building interventions to ARBOs. This will help them develop a capable management team which would guide them in the delivery of agri-products, access to credit and financial services to their clients.”

The ARBOs who participated in the training were the SAPAGLAYA MPC, Mountainside MPC, Dayapan MPC, Mayuro MPC, PIFADECO, KAMAHARI ABMPC, Lucban MPC, Magahis MPC, Haybanga MPC and Prenza MPC.

The three-day training was held on July 13-15, 2016. (J.C. Maralit)

Photo 1: Development facilitators and representatives from different ARBOs during the training on microfinance with Chief Operations Officer Emilenn Kate Sacdalan (lady in white/standing).

Photo 2: Farmer-participants listening attentively to the discussion.


Job Opening | Project-Based Program Officer

sedpi ppo job posting ad

Do you want a job in development and explore the Philippines? Are you interested in development work in microfinance, social entrepreneurship, and financial education?

SEDPI is currently looking for a Project-based Program Officer.

SEDPI is the premiere capacity building institution providing training, research and consulting services in the areas of microfinance, social entrepreneurship and financial literacy in the Philippines. It is composed of young and dynamic social entrepreneurs from prestigious universities.

Established in 2004, SEDPI worked in 27 countries worldwide reaching approximately 3,000 development organizations. It is a partner of the Ateneo de Manila University for Microfinance Capacity Building. SEDPI is one of the finalists of the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2012 and received Special Recognition from PriceWaterhouseCoopers in 2015.

The Project-based Program Officer (PPO) post is open for young individuals looking for a training ground in development work and social entrepreneurship rather than immediate financial gain. Fresh graduates and those with one-year experience are encouraged to apply. Passion  for development work and effectiveness in working in a team are given more weight than academic qualification or professional experience. SEDPI is looking for young and flexible individuals who are willing to be trained and are fast learners.

The PPO will conduct various research projects and training courses of SEDPI all over the Philippines on field. The PPO’s main responsibilities include gathering data through field work, writing research reports, providing technical assistance on enterprise development and assisting in the conduct of training courses.

SEDPI offers the opportunity to hold a position with development impact; be exposed to key players in the Philippine development sector; gain exposure in initiatives all over the Philippines and join a successful team of young social entrepreneurs.

For interested individuals, kindly send your resume and application letter to

Kindly use the file naming convention described below when sending letter of intent and resume. Applicants who don’t follow will not be shortlisted.

  • For the Letter of intent: lastname firstname loi ppo
  • For the resume: lastname firstname resume ppo

PALFSI’s Inspiring Road to Recovery

by Angelo Naidas

palfsiPeople’s Alternative Livelihood Foundation of Sorsogon, Inc. (PALFSI) started its microfinance operation in 1997, servicing the rural areas of Sorsogon. By 2003, the organization experienced growth with outreach of 10,000 clients in 15 municipalities in the province of Sorsogon.

In 2005, PALFSI partnered with Ayudahan Livelihood Foundation of Zamboanga (ALFZI). The two organizations pooled in investments for the microfinance program that operated in Zamboanga. At first, the partnership had promising results but natural calamities and mismanagement resulted to a crisis that almost closed down PALFSI’s and ALFZI’s operations. The microfinance operation in Zamboanga was not able to address delinquency problems. ALFZI eventually left the partnership. This left PALFSI to take over the entire operations and settle obligations with donors and funders.

Since then, the institution went on a downward spiral. The operational losses incurred in Zamboanga forced them to write off a significant amount of their outstanding portfolio. The write-off together with bloated liabilities led to technical bankruptcy in PALFSI’s books. This is means that liabilities are larger than assets and there is large likelihood that the organization may not be able to fulfill its obligations to funders if drastic measures are not taken.

SEDPI started the rehabilitation of PALFSI in 2013. Through SEDPI’s organizational appraisal, a series of interventions was strategically planned out to turn the institution around. The main intervention for the institution focuses on stabilizing its financial performance. To do this, SEDPI along with PALFSI management set up a meeting with their creditors to negotiate and restructure its current obligations. The result of the negotiation was a success as PALFSI’s external creditors agreed to a two year moratorium which gives PALFSI enough time to recover and eventually pay their external debts. The other interventions conducted to complement PALFSI’s recovery and institutional growth includes, strategic planning, financial management, human resource development, client selection, internal controls, and product development.

Since then, PALFSI has been experiencing gradual improvement with its financial performance. It posted a positive net income in 2014 after experiencing three straight years of net losses. PALFSI is also has enviable Portfolio at Risk (PAR) ratio which hovers between 0-2% throughout 2015 and early 2016. SEDPI established milestones to PALFSI and when it achieved these milestones. SEDPI Development Finance, Inc. (SDFI) released loans to enable PALFSI to expand and grow its portfolio.

The PESO rating of PALFSI significantly improved since SEDPI started its interventions with them. PALFSI’s current PESO rating improved to 72 points out of a possible score of 100. In 2013, PALFSI’s PESO score is only 45. The PESO rating is a scale used in the microfinance industry to describe performance of microfinance institutions. With this pace, PALFSI is set to attain positive equity by June 2016.

This is proof that with the right capacity building program and appropriate financing strategies, SEDPI can turnaround organizations so that they can continue benefitting the poor.